

Bugatti 100p

Having used SOLIDWORKS since 1997 our skillset has grown with the software. We are able to handle the most complex modeling jobs.

For example this Bugatti 100P plane which has been a marvel in engineering and just a beautiful shape. To stay true to the design we modeled this plane using ortho view sketches on the background to scale for reference. Designed by fellow Belgian Engineer Louis De Monge, I felt honored to model this plane 80 years later.

Over the years I have presented at the SOLIDWORKS World conference below you can find PDF's of those presentations. IF you have a specific SOLIDWORKS problem or want me to give a SOLIDWORKS presentation, feel free to contact me

This model was built for Tyler Schilling, owner of Sicktoiz. And is available for purchase following this link

SOLIDWORKS World 2011 Presentation

SOLIDWORKS World 2010 Presentation

SOLIDWORKS World 2008 Presentation